By Last Updated: July 31, 2023

Proper oral hygiene involves not just taking care of your teeth but also your gums. The gums play a crucial role in providing a barrier against bacteria from entering deep into the mouth. Unhealthy and receded gums may cause several dental diseases, including bad breath and infection. So, you must include your gums in your oral hygiene routine.

But what do you do if your gums easily bleed? It may be whenever you brush your teeth or, sometimes, even without any trigger. This problem may be something small such as trapped food causing irritation. But it can also mean something big such as gum disease or even nutritional deficiencies.

If you notice signs of bleeding gums, contact your dentist at Midpark Dental immediately for a thorough check-up. The earlier the problem is caught, the faster we can bring your gums back to good health.

What do bleeding gums mean?

Gum disease or gingivitis is the number one cause of bleeding gums. This occurs when irritants such as plaque, bacteria, and debris get stuck underneath the gums. If not removed, this will cause inflammation, tenderness, and bleeding of the gums.

But aside from gum disease, bleeding gums can also mean a lot of other things. It may be because of trauma from sharp objects, an accident, or even stress. It can also be a symptom of other health issues such as hormonal imbalance, vitamin deficiencies, or clotting disorders.

Why are my gums bleeding?

When it comes to bleeding gums, no patient is the same. For some patients, it may be due to dental-related concerns, while others due to systemic health problems. Because of the several possible causes of bleeding gums, you must meet with your dentist or physician for a thorough check-up so they can definitively identify why it is happening.

Some of the dental concerns that may cause bleeding gums are:

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Smoking or vaping
  • Gum disease or gingivitis
  • Pregnancy Gingivitis
  • Periodontal disease
  • Abscesses, infections
  • Ill-fitting dentures
  • Faulty dental restorations
  • Toothbrush or dental floss trauma

Meanwhile, other causes are:

  • Diabetes
  • Hormonal changes in menopausal or pregnant women
  • Vitamin D and K deficiencies
  • Clotting disorders
  • Medications, such as blood thinners
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Leukemia
  • Stress

How will your dentist treat bleeding gums?

If the reason for your bleeding gums is dental-related, such as gum or periodontal disease, your dentist or periodontist may recommend the following:

Reinforced oral hygiene routine

Poor oral hygiene is one of the causes of bleeding gums. If you fail to stick to good at-home hygiene care that effectively removes plaques, this will cause gum inflammation and bleeding. You can address this by consistently brushing your teeth at least twice a day, using antibacterial mouthwash, and flossing every day.

Lastly, schedule your dental visits every six months so your dentist can monitor your oral health and address dental issues before they worsen.

Routine oral prophylaxis

Plaque and bacteria are among the main culprits of gingivitis that cause gum bleeding. While it is easy to remove plaque on exposed tooth surfaces, those underneath the gums may be impossible to reach. This is where professional dental cleaning can help.

Oral prophylaxis with your dentist or hygienist provides a whole mouth clean. They use high-frequency scalers that scrape off plaque below the gumline.

Deep dental scaling

For patients with periodontal disease from severe plaque and tartar build-up, deep scaling and planing are recommended. This reaches deep within the gums to scrape off the irritants in your gum pockets and all tooth surfaces. Deep scaling removes bacteria causing periodontal disease and helps create a healthy environment for the tooth.

Depending on the state of your oral health, deep scaling can take at least 2 visits. When maintained, this can help restore your periodontal health and keep your gums healthy.

Periodontal pocket surgery

Severe periodontal disease causes the bone to deteriorate and gum pockets to form. These pockets are prone to bacteria build-up because they are not easily cleaned with your usual toothbrushing and flossing. Gum pockets are reduced and treated with periodontal pocket surgery.

Gums are cut and folded back to reduce the pocket depth. This also exposes the deeper part of the tooth so your dentist can clean the area better. Pocket surgery helps with easier hygiene maintenance to keep your oral health in good condition.

What happens if you ignore bleeding gums?

If gum disease due to gum disease is left untreated, it can rapidly progress to irreversible periodontal disease that attacks the bone surrounding the teeth. With the bone affected, bad breath, dental infections, and even tooth loss may occur.

So, while some people shrug bleeding gums off, we must remember that this can also be a symptom of budding dental problems and underlying health concerns. Scheduling a visit with your dentist as soon as possible makes all the difference in keeping your smile and overall health in tip-top shape.

Can I prevent my gums from bleeding in the first place?

Bleeding gums due to poor oral hygiene or gum disease is highly preventable. At Midpark Dental, we always emphasize the importance of preventive dentistry. This focuses on maintaining oral health to prevent dental diseases that may cause gum problems and other concerns.

Preventive dentistry focuses on three important points to keep your smile healthy and disease-free — good oral hygiene, regular dental visits, and a healthy lifestyle. With these in check, the gums should remain in their healthiest state, preventing gum bleeding and other dental issues.

When should I see a dentist?

The general rule is to visit your dentist as soon as you see any signs of abnormalities. While some may think that bleeding gums are not much to be concerned about, ruling out severe problems is important.

Early treatment is always the key to avoiding extensive and expensive treatments. This also improves the outcome without irreversible consequences to your oral health and smile.

Healthy Gums and Smile with Midpark Dental

If you are suffering from bleeding gums or other oral health concerns, Midpark Dental is here to help. With skilled dentists and the most advanced dental technology, we can diagnose and treat dental diseases with utmost confidence so you can get your smile back in no time.

Call us today to schedule your appointment, and let us get you on the road to a better and healthier smile.